Sunday, June 17, 2012


Crab Pasta Salad

I have to say, my "Mystery Dinners" have happily evolved over the last few years to dishes that are actually edible!  No, let me rephrase that.  Not just edible - deliciously edible!  "Mystery Dinners" around my house are usually the result of searching through the pantry and fridge, hoping to find something I can morph into a tummy-full.

So, tonight's treasure hunt yielded some crab meat, about a cup of uncooked pasta, a can of sweet peas, a block of cream cheese, a tub of sour cream and some basic salad veggies.  And, voila'!

I cooked the pasta and drained it.  Then, in the same dry pan, I melted a tablespoon of butter and added a diced stalk of celery.  Once the celery had softened, I added back the pasta, and melted in about 3 tablespoons of cream cheese and a couple of tablespoons of sour cream.  Once the cheese had melted, I tossed in half the can of sweet peas and half the package of crab meat, or about 4 ounces.  Add that to a bed of lettuce, tomato and boiled egg wedges and there you have it!  A delicious, light, summer meal for two!  Oh, and the plate you see above is what's for lunch tomorrow.  :)

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Yard Sale Bargain

  So, last weekend my little town had a city-wide yard sale.  I knew I got a late start, but I thought might get some good deals that way!  To keep from spending too much, I told myself I was only looking for bookcases or bookshelves and maybe a little table and chairs for my grandchildren.  I mostly drove around, only stopping every so often to check out stuff I couldn't see from my car.  I didn't find any bookcases or shelves, and the grandbabies' table and chairs couldn't be found, but I did make a few other discoveries, one in particular that I couldn't believe when I saw it! 

  Well . . . did I come across a find, or what??!!

This is a Vintage Cosco Rolling Kitchen Cart with Electrical Outlet.  I was surprised, but pleased to find the original sticker on the bottom that told me what make and model it was.  So, I priced them on the internet and found they go for anywhere from $128 to $183!!  And can you guess what I paid?  I bought this little jewel for...are you ready?  $5.00!!!  Yep!  I knew I had a steal, but I didn't realize just how much of a steal!  It was in the original old avocado green color and other than a few scratches, in great condition!  But, I wanted to upgrade it a little so, I gave it a little paint job and, voila'!

  I don't know how much you can tell, but I painted it with a silver metallic spray.  Then, I discovered my wooden cutting board fit the top perfectly!  

  Here's the finished product!  All that's left to do is arrange my small kitchen appliances on it and roll it into the laundry room!  ...until I need them, that is.  :)