Sunday, June 17, 2012


Crab Pasta Salad

I have to say, my "Mystery Dinners" have happily evolved over the last few years to dishes that are actually edible!  No, let me rephrase that.  Not just edible - deliciously edible!  "Mystery Dinners" around my house are usually the result of searching through the pantry and fridge, hoping to find something I can morph into a tummy-full.

So, tonight's treasure hunt yielded some crab meat, about a cup of uncooked pasta, a can of sweet peas, a block of cream cheese, a tub of sour cream and some basic salad veggies.  And, voila'!

I cooked the pasta and drained it.  Then, in the same dry pan, I melted a tablespoon of butter and added a diced stalk of celery.  Once the celery had softened, I added back the pasta, and melted in about 3 tablespoons of cream cheese and a couple of tablespoons of sour cream.  Once the cheese had melted, I tossed in half the can of sweet peas and half the package of crab meat, or about 4 ounces.  Add that to a bed of lettuce, tomato and boiled egg wedges and there you have it!  A delicious, light, summer meal for two!  Oh, and the plate you see above is what's for lunch tomorrow.  :)

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